Inspirational Keynote Speaker on a Mission – Sarah Furness

Join us at 10am on Wednesday 19th July for an inspiring keynote session by former RAF helicopter pilot and No.1 best-selling author, Sarah Furness…

Former RAF helicopter pilot and Squadron leader; now No.1 best-selling author, performance expert and human being, Sarah Furness will be joining us at this year’s London Christmas Party Show for an inspirational talk on performing under pressure.

Sarah followed her dream to become a combat helicopter pilot in the RAF. As a Squadron Leader she led on operational combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and she was the first female helicopter pilot to fly and lead UK Special Forces missions in Iraq. During her experiences both at home and at war, she made two important discoveries;

  • Resilience and performance under pressure is NOT instinctive
  • BUT humans have an extraordinary ability to thrive and even excel under pressure when they know how.

She now has ONE mission… to share the secret to outstanding resilience, performance and courage under pressure.

Join us at 10am on Wednesday 19th July and discover the revolutionary way to work that Sarah has developed; proven methods used by combat pilots which have been refined through her exploration and understanding of the human mind.

There is nothing else like this out there…. and it WORKS.

You can register today to secure your complimentary ticket.

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